Monday, April 4, 2011

Not Forgetting To Be Awesome! (Repost from DeviantArt)

If you don't follow me on Deviantart: ((Please ignore, Radio rofl, I think you're the only one who does))

For a while know, I've been on a self-improvement rampage. I'm trying to be less stressed out and freak out less (at myself and other people). Perhaps, in the summertime, I will get off my lazy ass and exercise just a bit!
Psh. Well, maybe.
But a major part of my life I'm deeming to change is my attitude towards my art. Now, I try very hard not to be the 'everything I put out sucks' whiner. It's not true: most of my dragons turn out excellent, which helps with the confidence boost. But people...well. I've been practicing fairly regularly for 6 years and showed that I'm generally getting worse somehow at structure, proportions, and just everything. I pull out stuff from '03 and it's better than something I've spent hours on in the past year.

So, here's to trying! I'm requesting anyone and everyone who reads this and wants to help me out give me any sketches/structures (like the circles you do before anatomy and the rough outlines) of any past works they still have. Any style is fine, though I want to cartoonify a bit more. Architecture, animals, anime, nature, any unfinished WIPs. Seriously. I need all the resource material I can get my hands on. With the help of very supportive friends willing to meet with me to coach, and majorly Bechnokid's inspiring style and livestreams that show step by step how to be amazing, I've already improved noticeably in my opinion. It could just be a good spell, but you know, I'll take what I can get!

Secondly, it's hard to practice when you don't know what to draw. OR WRITE: I'm very confident in my writing style, but I have nothing to write about. I've exhausted my creative challenge game and can't focus on anything long term right now for lack of arc structure. But practice is good, and working with foreign ideas will also help my versatility.

So a call to anyone who reads this, even in passing, CAPSLOCK FOR EMPHASIS:


Aaaaanything. Really. Nothing, NOTHING, is off limits, but realize I'm not great.

Thanks for anyone who reads this,


PS: Pokémon White friendcode: 0690 4539 3481. Looking for an effing bellsprout, if you'll believe it.
Also want tradeback legendaries like Kyogre, Darkrai, Deoxys for data. You'll get em right back! (even an Entei I have the other two)
I have lots in return!
I'm also a big time battler, so feel free to challenge! I run legal hacks (3 max Ivs, the rest hovering in the 20's).


  1. I'll keep your request in mind and send you some of my doodles. We could always meet up sometime and I'll show you how I approach things. :)

  2. I found a writing prompt (on Tumblr 8'D) so here:

    "You’re on a crashing plane and your partner is fast asleep. Would you wake her/him up to say ‘I love you’ one last time or let her/him die in her/his sleep?"
