Friday, August 13, 2010

Terrassian Group Shot!

The very first ever!
Is it bad? Yes! Is it sketchy? Yes! Is it largely inaccurate? Yes!
Is it the only time they've all been drawn together! Yes!
Dunno, it started with Raidon and Rena and then just escalated; I wanted to fill up the page.

From left to right (since the text above their heads is kind of small):
Amber (on his head)
Saku (pregnant with quadruplets o.O)
Kano (above) - And the worst drawn of them all, tied with Aiako
Kaji and his unnamed dragon.

(Even though Kaji cut his hair like, two years ago. Oh well. I liked it long.)

Gaby and team

Been Poké-crazy lately. So here's Gaby and her Pokemon.
Silversong (Lugia) - Top left
Sapphire (Charizard) - Bottom left
Dragonsong (Dragonite) - Top middle
Trouble (Pidgeot) - Next to Dragonsong
Slicksilver (Skarmory) - Bottom middle
Affection (Meganium) - Top right
Gaby (Lugia Pokémorph) - Bottom right

This is from my ongoing, exceptionally long, very old, and partially bad Pokémon story, Rogue Genetics, which can be found on Fanfic ((*shudder*)) if you're bored.