Okay. So, she's not really white, but I tried to fix her up and clean her.
I drew the base of this in Philosophy and finished in Literature. I ended up doing actual shading throughout and finger-smudging, which made my hands all black (like, shiny black pencil lead color over most of the fingers and palms), which made me look like some kind of diseased freak.
I scanned it, and I want to try and color her properly....
For those who are curious, Lilith is Tamira (Tami)'s mount, and about 80 years old. This means that she's matured, but she's a great deal smaller than a lot of other dragon rider's mounts because she's so young. Her personality is calm, easy, and friendly; she is always by her rider's side, and they function very well as a pair.
Thanks to Tea for posting this for me, since my internet is being stupid and not loading webpages for me.
I knew I wasn't going to do anything in Literature today, so I specifically brought a how to draw book and sat down to practice. I'm quite pleased with the results and will continue on in this manner through the book, actually doing all the practice excersises and sketches, until I master it. Then I'll go to my other one, maybe, and draw from there, etc.
Also, learned how to use the clone tool in PSP. It's aaaaaawesome, it'll essentially draw for you. So nifty.
I looooove this. I need to fix the lower stomach/abdomen area on the computer, and then color it, and other parts of it, but I really like this design. I started with a triangle and made it 3-D, and attached a circle to it, deciding it would be a snout and head. It evolved from there with some random curvy lines that became a neck and back.
A couple weeks ago, my philosophy teacher gave me an audio book by one his, and my, favorite authors, Douglas Adams, called Last Chance to See. Unlike everything else I've read by him, an author who usually writes witty science-fiction comedies (the most well known of this being The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), this is a work of documentative and speculative non-fiction, and it's awesome.
Mark Carwardine, a "Zoologist...wildlife photographer, TV and radio presenter, writer, best-selling author and magazine columnist.", and the BBC asked Adams in 1985 if he would accompany them on an around-the-globe hunt to photograph and make a radio program about some of the world's endangered animals. Through the many adventures involving horrible flight attendants, vertigo, near drownings and getting lost in foggy, exotic forests at 5 am, Adams, Carwardine, and the rest of their BBC crew make their way from Madagascar to New Zealand, from Indonesia to Zaire, and from China to Rodrigues, meeting some of the world's most peculiar and interesting nearly extinct creatures there.
Last Chance to See mixes just the right amount of novel-esque narrative, in what reminds me of a quest story, where the main characters have to journey great distances with some sort of goal, only they have more condom-covered microphones and copious amounts of aftershave then your average hero (if that doesn't pique at least a little interest, I don't know what will). The funny incidents involving the residence of the various countries, be them humans or the animals, make you smile and chuckle aloud at points, heightened in my experience by the fact that it's a British guy speaking.
Despite the fact that there is a great deal of humour in it, there's several other elements he uses to keep interest. There's some suspense, since you never know if they'll actually see the rare creature they're looking for or not, and it also gets very philosophical at times, though not to the point where you're floundering in terms you don't understand. Rather, it's more of a reflection on our lives, humanity, the world, how we treat it, and so forth. Which relates to the last thing it does, which is the primary reason why it exists, which is bring awareness to these beautiful and strange fauna and flora that are rapidly disappearing off the face of the earth because of us. However, unlike a lot of environmentally-focused books, movies, or speeches, it's not very pushy, and doesn't suggest that you personally should take up the cause, fly to Zaire and protest against poaching. It just tries to draw attention to the cause that zoologists and naturalists are fighting for, not to call their cause pointless, and, if you feel the need, help in whatever way you want or can.
Here are a couple quotes to give you an idea of the content:
"I suddenly felt, well, terribly old as I watched a mudskipper hopping along with what now seemed to me like a wonderful sense of hopeless, boundless naive optimism. It had such a terribly, terribly, terribly long way to go. I hoped that if its descendant was sitting here on this beach in 350 million years' time with a camera around its neck, it would feel that the journey had been worth it."
' "You're proposing twenty hours on a boat-" "A small boat," added Mark. "On violently heaving seas-" "Probably." "With a three-day-old dead goat." "Yes." "I hardly know what to say." '
You sort of get the idea then.
Now, on their tour, they try to find several different types of animal, such as the Silverback Mountain Gorilla and the Aye-Aye (a type of Lemur), but my favorite animal that they search for, by far, is called the Kakapo.
This is a Kakapo. There are less than 100 of these birds alive. However, that number is a great deal higher than what it was around twenty years ago, when the conservation efforts were started.
Stephen Fry and the zoologist from the original actually went out and redid this program, but with film, and it was published this year. I imagine that's pretty good too, judging by this video.
Read this book, or listen to this program, or watch this show.
My robot character, ADAM, who was created to impress Orgs around the world with his ability to preform humanly impossible tasks and think for himself. What they didn't realize was that, in giving him AI, they allowed him to develop feelings, and thus gave birth to the first sentient, non-human creature.
Edit: I drew this one at school, without my originals, so here they are, to give you a comparison:
I'm proud of my shading, even though the picture isn't perfect.
This is Dr. Silva Ian Nickson, a British Hematologist (Blood Doctor) who got turned into a vampire by a guy desperate to avoid becoming his mother's vampiric assistant (Banor). He journeyed/booked it to America to dodge the murder of his spousally abusive father, where he got a job at a teaching hospital and has worked there ever since. He is particularly known for always being tired and 'cold', as he seems to always be wearing a turtleneck and pair of gloves, even in the summertime in Chicago (really, to keep the sun from burning his neck and hands, but most everyone just thinks he's weird and has bad circulation, since he's so pale).
And, he's almost a complete wimp, so instead of drawing him in some sort of cool, official-looking doctor wear, he's in slippers and a bathrobe.
Was so tempted to make the slippers have bunny ears.
I've been spamming Fire Emblem 8: The Sacred Stones for a week, which is why there's the fanart. My goal is to draw this sexy man in a way that does his awesomeness justice, so I thought I'd warm with my crappy Lyn 'n Glass chibi and this:
YES, this is Amelia, one of the best characters in FE:SS. Though as I said in the pic, there's some major wtfery going on, as she goes from a skinny, armorless recruit to a big, hefty, tripple-weapon-weilding General. This may get colored.
Edit: Stupid Aaron caught it, but yes, that is the Black Knight. There is no other concept art for Generals anywhere, so I just had to use him...bah. At least I got rid of the caaaape.
Edit 2: Okay. Just so everything's straight:
THERE. Now she is no longer the Black Knight, but a real General of her own.
From Fire Emblem (7) for GBA. Glass is a semi-retarded mercinary on one of the early levels, well known in Fire Emblem fancircles for his stupid line, "I am Glass! The gods fear my name!" ...Said usually right before you slaughter him with your level 3 Lyn.
Links included if you've not played FE and don't know wtf I'm talking about.
I realize that not everybody knows the significance of these confessions, so I'll do point summaries to explain them:
Lycan: An arsonist who works with Gail, Mai, and Aioru in a group of monster-slayers. Gail: Lycan's wife. Mai: A blacksmith and the leader of their group. Married (later on) to Grey, but had a fling with Raidon. Raidon and Grey, you hopefully know by now, are brothers. Aioru: Pretty self explanitory. Taran: Actually a Shaman from Earth (which explains the costumes of his ghosts, which are in the next set). He's ridiculously shy but likes Aioru. Kaika: Taran's main Guardian Spirit. She pretends to be a hard-ass, but really she's the mom of the foursome (Taran, Kaika, and his two other ghost companions Togiro and Matsai). It's common knowledge that she hates Togiro.
So, Tea linked me to a Maximum Ride OOC confession thing, and I felt like doing one too! Here's pt 1: From left to right, top to bottom: Tori, Nakaira, Rena, Ryu, Raidon, and Kaji. I had to sort of guess at the two that aren't mine.
...A childish, gay guitarist of a popular alternative rock band will pretend he's Batman.
Iunno, I thought I should sketch something, so here is a really bad 1/2 hour sketch of Brian Tram, better known as Batman, an eccentric, hyper, and slightly retarded 19 year old bat-human hybrid. He's part of EKM, a band consisting of runaway experiments who have used their inhuman appearances and powers to make a name for themselves in the world of music, passsing their oddites off as costumes and stage tricks.
Very, very, very, very proud of this. It took about 6 hours, with a break for piano and Fringe in between...So basically I started at 2 and finished at 10:15.
This was done as a request work for Aaron, so there, that's what she looks like.
Thanks to Kim for teaching me how to use my tablet and program properly. <3
This is Tori Makoto, heiress to Frimala, drawn properly.
than last time! Tried experimenting with smaller more realistic eyes and less anime hair. Worked better. Wewt.
For those who are out of the loop, this guy, serious as he looks, serves mostly as a comic relief character in the Modern RP. He's a biochemist who works for the Org, has ADHD in the worst degree, and has a lab partner (amongst other things) named Colin.
Yay, a 2 picture post! Not only that, but they're starting to actually look okay! (things are posted in reverse order to how they show up on the page, so this is like my 5ths post today as opposed to my 2nd ).
I was telling Stephanie/Aaron more about Kolor and how it's named 'The Twist' for all the animorph varieties that live there. I'd already started with nameless, weirdly dressed cat boy, so I thought after the fail of Drad and the Quepies that I would continue on yesterday's theme. Steph at the time was reminiscing about her poor deceased rat, Moon (RIP <3)
Which spawned the idea, what if I made Koloran citizens based on peoples' pets?
To my delight, Steph loved the idea, so she found a clear picture of Moon and I sketched her out a human form (left). We decided on no clothes (which is a common practice in Kolor), added some freckles and a fluffy haircut, and voila. It'd look better if it was shaded (might get colored), but basically her tummy and back are white, as well as the insides of her arms and legs. The rest is a dark gray.
Now, Steph has another rat, Princess. Since Moon turned out so good, I decided to give her a go, and the result is pictured to the right. Princess, in real life, is chubbier, so I tried to reflect that a little bit. Her name inspired thoughts of elegance, so she wears pretty ruffled things and skirts and corseted dresses, a choker, and a bow around her tail.
Due to confusions that keeping Moon's name would cause, and the fact that Princess isn't really a viable name, Moon has been renamed Luna and Princess has been renamed Secili. They are both aristocracy.
It was working WORSE with the the shit, so I just smacked some chest lines on him and let him be. The little floaty head at the side was supposed to be what the page was about, drawing him like I once drew Cadance with a bunch of different expressions from a bunch of different angles. His straight face shot sort of evolved but bleh. The only thing close to accurate about this is his hair (which still sorta sucks) and the fact that his eyes are slitted (but drawn badly).
Not entirely sure what sparked this but uh, here, have some bum:
It's a very poorly drawn Kano spying on the slightly better drawn Rae from behind a bush at some point in time. You can't really make out the waterfall but it's to her right/behind her (from our perspective) and that's why she has no clothes. Originally there was a leaf from the bush he was in blocking her backside but it looked even worse than this.
It's pronounced 'Que-pee', but I don't know how to spell it. Whatever.
So for philosophy we have make a commerical and use 5 fallacies to advertise it, so mine is this pet-rock-esque stuffed animal inspired/stolen by/from something Skye came up with a few years back. So I was bored and drew Stephanie a bunny and my philosophy teacher as Quepies. Totally lame but I was really bored.
Oops about lack of postage yesterday by the way, so I'll post what I drew then mixed in with todays as well.
Sketch doodles of random. Ignore the guy in blue, I don't even know who he is or what he's doing. The floaty heads are cool though, love the hair on the left guy, and I then another attempt at Yoseph (lol) to the right.
And Lord Makoto again appearing in my sketches. Stop looking like Jesus!
I sort of ran out of paper while drawing it (sadface), but I finally got around to a first draft, conceptual sketch of what Myro's dragon form should look like. I just added the stripes because I was bored, and figured his hair is retarded, his scale patterns can be too.
I was considering drawing the individual scales on him, but the bell rang. Darn.
To those who wonder, I imagine him as sort of a cross breed between a Knucker or Tibetan dragon (from a Dragonology standpoint) and a variant of a European. Basically, it has the form of a Knuckler (thicker hands, opposable thumbs, long body), but more the tail of a Knucker (an also winding-bodied dragon, but with tiny wings). The European variation comes from the horns (traditionally shorter and thicker, but I thought the long, skinny ones played more with the body shape and triangle-based head), the spines, and obviously the massive wings. Unlike most Europeans (especially ones that I draw), the membrane does not connect again at lower point on the body, but instead branches out from the same place on the base.
I'm not sure if I like the fangs. And the limbs are bleh, but I do like this overall.
The progression of this picture: First, I drew a starving face base. Then I thought, ooh Rat. So I drew a very sketchy face. Then I drew a neck, and some shoulders, and some very badly sketched clothes, etc. Eventually it all ended up being a sketch of a crazy looking Rat.
Then I thought, what if I drew his younger self, looking very dead but proper, as his 'shadow'. So I drew a rounder, healthier face, framed with shorter, clean-cut hair. But dead, bored eyes. Then I thought, why not give him smart clothes, to contrast? His parents dressed him up to look the part of a son and pretend to the world that he wasn't crazy.
Then, since he was a shadow, he needed to be shaded. So I shaded all of him, including his face. Of course then I look to my original sketch, and sort of cringe; it's horribly sketchy. So I fix up the lines, shade it in (though with the pencil, the blood splotches and random holes in his clothing make him look more like a calico cow than anything).
And then I just decided to unshade the shadow's face since it looked odd.
The text at the bottom is just a little snip from his first murder, and I thought having the text grow more sketchy ((erm...more like my normal writing, should I see a problem in this?)) as it progressed to show his breaking sanity.
Not very good, but I decided hey, might as well post it. Was just explaining what dog-dragonthing hybrid people would look like, so I drew Leah in her (unshaded) 'dragon' form and a very bad Evan in human.
Evan's so awful, I normally draw him much better...I'll have to do him over.
I just liked how the little one in the bottom left corner of Jason's picture turned out, so I decided to redraw her. Then I decided she should be tiny, so I drew the flower to demonstrate.
Mr. Shaw's lectures provide wonderful background sounds to drawing. =)
What's odd about her? She's not a character at all, just a random thing. Oh well.